RHJ consultant, Justice Rivera, contributed to this toolkit during their time serving on the SWOP USA board. SWOP's website (www.swopusa.org) describes that "this toolkit was created to help advocates, grassroots organizations, and sex work and drug user harm reduction coalitions expand protection provided by Overdose Good Samaritan laws to better serve sex workers. The toolkit begins by documenting the importance of including sex-work related criminal statutes in laws offering protection to those seeking medical help in the case of an overdose. It also contains sample bills, template letters, stories and facts about overdose, Good Samaritan protections, and the intersection of sex work and drug use that you can use in your advocacy. The bulk of this toolkit consists of strategic guidance on legislative advocacy, from how to build coalitions and important organizations to build relationships with to how to effectively engage legislators and the media. While specific to Good Samaritan laws, this toolkit offers valuable tips and strategies for any grassroots activist."
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